34 Conspiracy Theories People Believe
Nathan Johnson
While some conspiracies can be downright zany and debunked with just a few moments' critical thinking, there are some that stand the test of skepticism for one reason or another. Sometimes it's just a hunch, other times it can feel pretty obvious that the truth is being obfuscated. For whatever reason, these 34 conspiracy theories have lingered in the back of these people's minds for far too long.
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There are theories that many famous female stars who were blacklisted (Megan Fox is a good example) were blacklisted because they refused to sleep with directors and producers. -
That civilizations have risen and fallen far earlier than we currently are aware. And that ancient civilizations were way more capable than we give them credit for. -
Nothing's actually happening in Area 51. The government just keep it so people will focus on it and ignore the shady stuff happening somewhere else. -
David Miscavige, the chairman of the Church of Scientology definitely murdered his wife and is getting off scott free for it. Him and his wife got into a pretty heated argument in 2007, and she hasn’t been seen since. Lawyers hired by David claim she is still alive and devotes 100% of her time to work at the church of scientology, which is why she hasn’t been seen since August 2007. In 2013, a former member of the church had filed a missing person report that was closed after a few officers had “spoken and seen Mrs.Miscavige”, even though there’s no evidence whatsoever of this meeting. All missing person’s reports now are turned down since this investigation is forever closed. -
With the number of millionaire/billionaires that are psychopaths or similar, there must be a few super rich serial k***ers out there. By extension there must be people making money supplying victims in the same way Epstein was supplying girls to the wealthy who wanted to scratch an itch. With the money, power and influence would come governments and intelligence agencies willing to overlook or cover up terrible actions for leverage. -
The fashion industry makes too much money from purses to care about making pockets for women easily available -
The true conspiracies are right in front of our eyes. The extent of corporate control over the democratic process is no secret but we’re all too busy debating the moon landing, flatearthers and anti-vaxxers. -
The art trade. These million dollar art shows/individual pieces that go for insanely high prices are just a way for money laundering -
So my dad actually confirmed a popular conspiracy theory. I told him about the “laundry detergent caps have the full line too high on purpose”, and he told me this was true. He interned at P&G, and they taught him the full line was for “the highest level of cleanliness our product can give”. You can get away with using much less detergent. -
That the world is controlled by s select few ultra rich. Of cause it is because they are doing all the back door deals making each other even more money. -
New Coke was a way for Coca Cola to switch from real sugar to corn syrup without people noticing. Switch to the new formula that everyone hates, keep it for a while so that people demand the old one back, then switch it back after enough time has passed that people wouldn't notice the relatively subtle change -
Secret societies definitely exist. -
I quite like the missing cosmonauts theory. It's unlikely but seems like it could have been possible. It boils down to the idea that Yuri Gagarin wasn't the first man in space. He was just the first man in space to survive the entire process. -
1.) Kennedy gets elected 2.) Kennedy is critical of the CIA, his own VP and military for wanting to turn the cold war into a hot one and the willingness to perform false flag operations (Project Northwoods) to do it. 3.) Kennedy is shot 4.) His VP takes power 5.) [Classified] -
This one is small and local but still too insane to ignore and just came up today. Just recently, our small suburban town’s favorite gas station went out of business. Everyone went there, the guy who ran it was the mayor. He retires and sells the property after an issue with the ground underneath the gas pumps. They tear down the gas pumps and keep the garage, Mavis Tire bought the property and opened a new store. A few days after the Mavis opens, someone posts a picture on Facebook of an intersection at a road near it with nails all over the road. The guy theroizies that a box of nails fell off of a construction truck. The police come clean it up and it seems all is well. Fast forward a few days later and people are commenting on the post that they’re finding nails in their car tires. Not just from that intersection. People jokingly say “maybe it was the new Mavis guys throwing nails around” but nothing really happens. Several weeks later, people have been posting day in and day out pictures of nails in their car tires. My dad took my car in to the Mavis in question about 3 weeks ago and they found a nail inside of the right front tire. I noticed that it was driving sort of funny but never that my tire was on the verge of exploding. I jokingly said “people have been saying you guys have just been going around throwing nails all over the place” trying not to laugh at how insane it sounded to say out loud. The guy behind the counter said nothing but “yeah” with a weird smirk. Over 50 people have posted on the town Facebook that their cars have had nails in their tires. My mom is driving my car now because her car has a nail in the tire. -
The FBI murdered Dr. Martin Luther King. Too much evidence to ignore -
That conspiracy theory’s is a term made up by the government to make true things that happen look dumb. -
Google Maps only asks you for feedback on its navigation when it knows it did a good job. I use navigation all the time, and I find that when it gets me to the destination on time or earlier than predicted, I get a notification asking to rate the trip. But if it gets me there after it originally estimated, I never get that notification. -
Saturated fats and cholesterol aren't particularly bad for you, but a very politically aggressive and ethically deficient scientist named Ancel Keyes staked his career on the idea that they were, published studies with egregiously poor methodology (In his landmark Seven Countries study, he specifically picked those countries which best supported his aims while ignoring those countries that didn't) and waged a very aggressive campaign to destroy the careers of detractors (Famously Dr. John Yudkin-- who wrote "Pure, White and Deadly", a book on the dangers of dietary sugar). Today, scientific nutritional authorities continue to drag their feet on revising the conventional medical wisdom due to the erosion to their own authority that this would represent. Ancel Keyes was more singularly responsible for obesity in the US than any other person. -
There is a giant money laundering cycle driven by the sale of paintings. It’s just a piece of canvas with some paint on it. I may understand some people would be willing to buy paintings from the renaissance, but modern art is definitely a huge money laundering instrument. -
9/11 was allowed to happen so the government could go ahead with political agendas that would've been very unpopular otherwise. There were all kinds of advanced warnings that an attack was imminent, yet they were ignored. The attack allowed for the invasion and never-ending occupation of the Middle East, as well as the Patriot Act that allows for increased spying by the government (and was passed only about a month after 9/11). -
Jamie Lyyn Spears, Miranda Cosgrove, Victoria Justice, etc were [taken advantage of] by Dan Schneider. Nickelodeon let him get away with a lot. There’s so many feet jokes in all those shows. A lot of the interviews with those cast members get really awkward when they’re around Dan. If you got to pursue your dream career when you really wanted it wouldn’t you do just about anything? If you made Dan Schneider mad you career would be ruined and your dreams would be over. -
Trader Joe's makes their parking lots small intentionally to make it seem like it's more popular. -
Mattress firm is a drug cartel or a money laundering company or maybe they’re laundering money for the drug cartels. I don’t know, but whatever it is, they’re up to no good. -
Psychedelics are only illegal because they liberate from the consumerism narrative. -
The Allies certainly knew about the Holocaust long before April/May 1945, they never just "happened" upon the camps as they were defeating Nazi Germany. This begs the question on why they never lifted a finger to stop the importations, destroy the rail lines to the camps, etc., but they never did despite them knowing what was going on. -
McDonald's shake machines are never actually down, the night crew people are just too lazy to clean it -
Lemme just say it: "The Meteorite that wiped out the Dinosaurs could be a UFO, and we're are the aliens". Its pretty logical to alien believers. And it's just my favourite, just thought I'd say it. -
Denver Airport being a fallout shelter for the elite. The fact that it went like a billion over budget and all the symbolism. -
Big Pharma already have the cure for major diseases. They just won't let it come to the market as therapy earns more profits than cure. -
Princess Diana car crash wasn't "accidental ". I truly believe P.Philip hired someone to get rid of her and have a feeling that when him, Elisabeth and Charles die some very secret conversations, emails ecc will come out. Medelaine McCann was accidentally k**led by her parents. I don't believe they intended to do it but I do believe they covered it up and once the press ecc arrived they seen an opportunity to make money out of the situation. -
Pot holes aren’t fixed because it slows people down. Slower drivers means less accidents, which means less money and resources spent on emergency response. -
Prince Harry isn't Charle's son, he looks more like the two men Dianna had affairs with than the Prince of Wales. He left the royal family because of Andrew's pedo cover up and the racism Megan has faced. He probably threatened to do a DNA test as leverage in the split from the royal family. -
I think Trumps wall is because the government fully knows that climate change is coming faster than expected. The wall is supposed to be a barrier to control the millions fleeing north.
- 34 Conspiracy Theories People Believe
- 26 Fresh Memes of the Dankest Kind
There are theories that many famous female stars who were blacklisted (Megan Fox is a good example) were blacklisted because they refused to sleep with directors and producers.